Truth will come out! I'm sure this was a misunderstanding that got escalated for no reason! If anyone was a witness please get in contact with us." This is a family that was unarmed and was just grocery shopping. "Do they look intimidating to you? Did he really have to shoot them all? I'm posting this picture because the stories on social media have made them out to be the suspects, and the off-duty cop the victim. My cousin Kenneth was killed and his parents, my aunt & uncle were also both shot and are in ICU. "`I'm not keeping quiet about this! People need to know! This is my family! These are the victims of the Costco shooting the other night. Shureih also took to Facebook, where he posted a photo of French's parents, Russell and Peola French, writing: “He's not the kind to trade words, so I don't believe that a verbal confrontation happened," Shureih told the Riverside Press-Enterprise of the incident. At least six or seven shots were heard to be fired during the incident.Ī family member to the victim, Rick Shureih, described his cousin as a mentally disabled "gentle giant" who rarely spoke and had to be monitored constantly by his parents.

Witnesses described a chaotic scene Friday night, with shoppers running for the exits as they feared a mass shooting. The child held by the officer was not injured in the incident. “The off-duty officer was transported to a local hospital, where he was treated and released.” The family members are being treated at local hospitals and are in critical condition,” he said. “This attack resulted in the officer firing his weapon, striking the male and two of the male's family members. Without provocation, a male unknown to the officer's family assaulted the officer while the officer was holding his young child,” Corona Police Officer Tobias Kouroubacalis said. “Investigation has confirmed an off-duty Los Angeles Police Department Officer was shopping at Costco with his family. The officer used his service weapon and opened fire, killing French, and wounding French's parents, Russell and Paola.

The officer, whose name has not been released, was reportedly shopping at the Costco in Corona, California, Friday night when he said he was attacked "without provocation" by Kenneth French. A 32-year-old nonverbal man with intellectual disabilities who was fatally shot by an off-duty Los Angeles Police Department officer on Friday at a Southern California Costco, was a "gentle giant" who needed "constant monitoring," a family member of the victim said Sunday.