This balancing act becomes even more crucial when connecting taxiways to the parking gates. Unlike in real life where taxiways and aprons run in all different directions, Cities has its layout to be strictly one way when it comes to aircraft movement. You need to create your airport’s ground network to basically function like one big, flowing circuit. Here in Cities: Skylines, runways and taxiways are treated as entirely one-way thoroughfares. This primarily has to do with how the runway/taxiway system works, as alluded to earlier. And, trying to reconfigure the remaining tiles to be compatible with the adjusted layout isn’t exactly what I would call straightforward. While you can rip up objects that you place if necessary, that does come at a cost. Do you anticipate it turning into a major hub, or would you rather keep it more along modest side of things? Having this idea before you start placing concourse tiles and taxiways will ultimately help you to make better sense of your airport’s layout before it even begins. Seeing that space will more often than not be limited, you have to really think in your head what kind of airport you’re considering to build not just right there in the moment, but in the future. I quickly realized that accounting for all of these different cogs in the machine is way more of a process than I initially thought. This includes building a terminal and concourse, placing airplane stands (parking gates), and then assembling the surprisingly complicated network that is the runway and taxiway system. Once the groundwork is laid, then comes time to actually put together the airport itself. They’re expensive to build and maintain, so turning a profit is, of course, very necessary. Getting these key elements correct will make or break your airport’s level of efficiency. So, just from these initial phases alone, you can see that a lot really goes into this new building process: finding suitable land, terraforming/landscaping it, and then connecting it to major transportation lines. The same rule of thumb should be applied to your virtual airport planning as much as possible. Many major airports in the real world are built away from a city’s heart, but features direct connections to population hubs. The new complex airports require their own districts, which means you’ll need a good chunk of space. Since district building is an essential part of the process, finding a suitable spot on your map doesn’t just depend on its topography, but also how well it fits with the rest of your city.

You can buy and/or dump soil in chunks depending on what you need to complete building the district.

During this first phase of building, soil is collected and accounted for by means of a bar. Depending on the topography of your map, this can either be a minor inconvenience or a tedious process right from the jump, so be sure to keep that in mind. Creating this district will also terraform the surrounding area, resulting in it flattened and vegetation getting removed. From the sky to soilįirst off, instead of just plopping an airport down like before, with Cities: Skylines – Airports you now have to create a special district so far, the first and only of its kind for a form of transportation. That’s because you really have to put in the effort to get these more advanced playsets to be truly fleshed in terms of not just profitability, but also functionality. Naturally, those who are interested in picking up this expansion must have already had a deep desire for aviation, thus moving them to want to flesh out the way airports worked in Cities.

But, the question is: does this more complex experience justify the added time and effort? This is similar to how last year’s Sunset Harbor expansion amplified the depth and complexity of many of the sim’s core transportation systems. With Airports, virtual city planners can now fully integrate the system into their city’s overall transportation network with a deeper level of flexibility and customization.
But, now several years since the city building simulator launched, Colossal Order has decided to revisit this major transportation system to give it a full-on revamp with the Cities: Skylines – Airports expansion. Air transport is nothing truly new to the Cities experience.